3 points that help in the prevention of enteritis
Fowl typhoid: learn more about this disease that can be devastating for poultry farms
14/04/2021If you are working in the poultry farming market, certainly, you have already asked yourself which probiotic is ideal for your business. Probiotics are an effective alternative for preventing and fighting against avian diseases and syndromes; they perform a relevant role in the animals’ immunological response and are widely recognized on a national and international scope.
Here in Biocamp’s blog we have already explained about the operation of the avian intestinal microbiota, discussed what probiotics are in a general way and presented the three existing main types.
Now it the time to bring even more details about the application of Biocamp’s Colostrum® line. For this, we have created a video that brings together the principal information about the different types of probiotics and which are indicated for the challenges of poultry production.
The three types of probiotics of the Colostrum® line
Biocamp, with a solid track in the development of probiotics, has the most complete line of products, with different solutions for the challenges of poultry production.
N.A.G.F. (Normal Avian Gut Flora)
N.A.G.F. probiotics have a huge diversity of lactic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria, which colonize from the small intestine up to the cecums of the poultry. These bacteria protect against the paratyphoid salmonella and contribute towards performance gain.
They are also ideal for early colonization, which can be applied by spray in the hatchery or consumed in farms through the drinking water or feed. Their use can be extended throughout the whole life of the flock.
Probiotics with multiple colonizing strains
They are composed of 21 strains, of which 20 are of lactic bacteria and one is of Bacillus subtilis, with focus on performance and control of pathogenic bacteria. These probiotics colonize, mainly, the small intestine. Their use can start at the hatchery and should be continued, by water or feed. They are indicated for control of necrotic enteritis, paratyphoid salmonella and performance gain.
Probiotic with a single NON-colonizing strain
This type of probiotic, in turn, is composed only of Bacillus subtilis. As bacilli are casual bacteria and do not have fimbriae, which are essential for adhesion to the mucous membrane; they do not colonize any intestinal segment. Its continuous use, in the feed, is indicated for control of pathogenic bacteria, mainly Clostridium perfringens, causing agent of necrotic enteritis, thus, preventing the loss of performance of the poultry.
Types of Probiotics
N.A.G.F. (Normal Avian Gut Flora) | Probiotics with multiple colonizing strains | Probiotic with a single NON-colonizing strain |
Diversity of lactic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria | 21 strains (20 lactic bacteria and one Bacillus subtilis) | Composed only of Bacillus subtilis |
Protection against paratyphoid salmonella | Focus on performance and control of pathogenic bacteria | They do not colonize any intestinal segment |
Performance gain | Performance gain | Performance gain |
Ideal for early colonization | Control of necrotic enteritis and paratyphoid salmonella | Control of pathogenic bacteria, mainly Clostridium perfringens, causing agent of necrotic enteritis |
Application by spray, in the hatchery, or by drinking water or feed, in farms | Application by water or feed | Continuous use by feed |
Use for the whole life | Start of use in the hatchery and maintenance throughout the chicken’s life |
As you can see, the Colostrum® probiotics line is wide and, for this reason, it is possible for specific programs to be prepared in accordance with each company’s challenges and objectives. Contact and talk with one of our specialists and create an ideal program for your business.