Probiotic  |  Colostrum® Liquid

Colostrum® Liquid

Colostrum® Liquid promotes the intestinal colonization and/or recolonization with bacteria of cecal origin of adult SPF chickens, which will be important for control of enterobacteria (paratyphoid salmonella strains, E. coli - APEC) and Clostridium perfringens, the causing agent of necrotic enteritis.

  • Hundreds of strains of probiotic bacteria that colonize all intestinal segments (small intestine and caeca);
  • Early intestinal colonization;
  • Excellent cost benefit;
  • Reduction of use of antimicrobials;
  • Certification of absence of pathogens.


  • Modulation of the intestinal microbiota, favoring eubiosis;
  • It contributes for better livestock indexes;
  • Control of enterobacteria (paratyphoid salmonella bacteria, E. coli - APEC) and Clostridium perfringens, the causing agent of necrotic enteritis;
  • Intestinal recolonization after treatment with antimicrobial agents.


Unspecified culture of microorganisms (CBMAI 1064).


  • By spray: broiler breeder and layer hens 5,000 doses/vial; broilers 10,000 doses/vial;
  • By drinking water: broiler breeder and layer hens 5,000 doses/vial; broilers 10,000 doses/vial.


Vials containing 50 ml.

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